Parrot DIY

Kathy LaFollett
2 min readDec 28, 2018

The bird room has an asphalt roof. It doesn’t reflect the sun, but rather helps bake those in the room during the summer months. Dad spent Saturday and Sunday applying coats of bright white roof sealant to fix our reflection issues. His DIY became quite the game for Butters and Snickers.

A ladder leaning against the roof just outside a window is amazing and requires a good dressing down. Butters and Snickers growled, called out, and yelled at the ladder. They flew to the top of the macaw cage closest to the ladder window, warned said ladder they were watching it’s every move and then burst into a flurry of jetted feathers around the house to land again in the same spot. There they leaned into the window and growled in sync. A menacing and ominous tone shared.


When dad hauled up the leaf blower to, yes, blow leaves off the roof, the dangling bright orange wire was just the thing to refine the rules of engagement for Butters and Snickers.

Saturday was catch Dad coming down the ladder, catch Dad going UP the ladder, follow dad’s footsteps on the roof and yell at the ceiling, yell at the ladder, threaten the orange snake and fly in circles to yell at the ceiling some more day.

Sunday started slowly. This roof goop needs dry sun. It’s winter in Florida, we start some days moist, dewy and chilly. So we all gathered in the bird room to share breakfast and time while the sun fought it’s way through the winter atmosphere. Butters and Snickers were nonplussed and inpatient for the game to start.

Where’s the ladder? Where’s the snake? DAD! What are you still doing in here? They pouted and sat on their cages waiting for the game while we waited for the sun. 11:30 am and the sun announces it’s arrival with illuminated palm trees and a brightened day.

I have never seen these two birds so excited as I did Sunday at 11:38 am when Dad walked around the backyard with the ladder.

Right now, there are two macaws staring up and out windows looking for ladders and Dad, scrambling from cage top to cage top for a better view. Snickers is again, nonplussed, twisting his head robotically with a loud and uncertain “HUH?”.

The roof is done Snickerdoodles. Please don’t eat the house.

