A baby being read the children’s book, “Little Sea Piggles, written by Kathy LaFollett, by his grandmother. His grandmother reads two children’s books to him every day.

What you Put Out into the World

Kathy LaFollett
2 min readApr 26, 2022

I met my biggest fan. He’s also one of the smallest. He’s one of the smallest with the biggest laugh.

A writer writes. I just do things. Put those two elements in a bowl and stir for Quantum entanglement. I am now, forever, entangled with a precious child who heard my words, and saw my art, and laughed at my whimsy. Call me home, Lord. That’s about all I ever wanted right there.

I wrote three children’s books specifically for my own grandchild, not yet born. Personal messages for her to know my voice and see my silly. A pandemic was going to keep us apart. I turned to writing to traverse the space that was off limits. I found out fast there were a lot of grandmas who needed to send messages to their new grandchildren for the same reasons. I published all three, happily entangling in a Quantum Love. Everywhere.

Life isn’t easy. It’s not pleasant at times. Life is also glorious and triumphant. Precious and finite. Beautiful. Fragile. Short. Life is everything you say it is, without fail. See the wonder, live in wonder. See problems, live in problems. Whatever you say your life is, it will be. Use your words carefully. They are loaded guns. Every one. And once you fire the wrong words, there is no fixing broken minds, hearts, or feelings. There is only a new truth you may not have intended. Because whatever you say inside a moment, is.

Creating is my answer to anxiety, sadness, anger. When I have no control over something, I make something. Clean dishes. Drawings. Paintings. Dollhouses. Clay sculptures. A mural. Laughter. Conversations. Clean guinea pig cages with new boxes for hiding. Preening a parrot who is a mess because she’s a Diva and has no plans to fix herself. A house bunny’s condo upgrade. Piles of hay over piles of toys. Warm tea for Felix. Which is more a survival move than creative. Books. Stories. Watercolors. If I’m busy creating I’m busy making good thoughts. Good thoughts, good words. Good words, it’s a good day. I change my reality, my truth.

I met my biggest fan this morning. As I was first pushing forward into a day with a bit of anxiety because I always start with anxiety. His laugh. His awareness of words I had put in the world two years ago, created our entanglement. This precious little boy created. His grandma, holding him in her lap, shared his joy. Me, all the way over here, shared her grandma story of this photo. I met my biggest fan, this morning. Life is beautiful, isn’t it?

